International Women's Day 2022 - Tracey Neville - That work-life balance

What does work-life balance look like for you?

At the moment work is crazy with the season starting four weeks ago. My downtime at the moment is Nev, the gym and sleep! However, I really buzz off being busy and sport is a way of life for me and my family.

What enables you to unwind after a long day ?

I love cooking and I am trying new recipes at the moment. I’m lucky that my other half hates cooking and appreciates everything that is put in front of him and Nev is too young to have an opinion!

How do you make sure you get some ‘you’ time in daily/weekly? What do you consider self-care ?

I love exercising, it really keeps me mentally sane! I have also become more efficient at ‘getting it done’. I carry my gym kit everywhere and if there is a spare 30 minutes I don’t think twice!

How much do you value sleep and how do you make sure you get enough of it as a mum?

As a mum, sleep is really difficult. Although Nev sleeps all night, he occasionally has a blip for a couple of hours during the night (of course, always tends to be when I am really busy). Sport has taught me to power nap and go for sustained periods without sleep. Our doc used to call it Sleep Bank: Build up the hours for when you really need it.

What helps you stay motivated, passionate, and have a healthy relationship with work away from the netball court / public apperences?

I love my job, which means it feels like I don’t have to work. I also like to get my family and friends involved in what I do so I can share the long hours and pressures with them. I am also a real family person so I do have periods of my life that is solely centered around them and I have taught myself over the years to be disciplined on this.

What would be your one tip for anyone looking at improving their work-life balance?

Do a job that you love, so time away from your family is worth it. Be organised so that you are able to spend quality time with your family and friends. “Work to live’ :)

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International Women's Day 2022 - Girls On The Ball - That work-life balance


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