International Women's Day 2022 - Girls On The Ball - That work-life balance

Okay, so our take on work-life balance, here goes…..

We think it's an area we're not very good at and definitely need to work on. We used to be better at it when we worked full time jobs and only did GOTB on the side. We had to allocate specific amounts of time to both our jobs and (what was then) our hobby, plus home life, so everything was a lot more structured. Now we’ve gone full time with GOTB, and it’s our passion, something we want to give our all to, and are always afraid of missing out on news/not seen to be covering stuff that we should be, then switching off feels very difficult. Even if we say we're going to give ourselves the evening off, we still end up on the sofa with our laptops, working on bits and bobs, which we know isn’t always the healthiest.

This said, since lockdown, exercise is something both of us have really got into. We are actually quite strict with it during the day and will make sure we give ourselves at least 45 minutes to get up, get a sweat on and put the laptops down. We also find a change of scenery really helpful too. We try and get down to see Sophie's family’s in Kent as much as possible to switch things up and stay motivated.

When we’re away covering matches, we always give ourselves an afternoon to explore wherever it is we are, as travel is definitely a very big passion of ours. It really fills our soul to be able to explore somewhere new. Keeping it real though, we'll still be capturing content for our channels, but because we love it, we do still class that time as a break.

We really believe there needs to be a societal change, that we all collectively need to stop beating ourselves up for having time off. Time off is something we all need to grant ourselves more of, especially when working in an industry that's growing, always really busy, and where ‘fomo’ feels very real.

In 2022, we’re committed to working on being more balanced so we will report back at the end of the year. Good luck to everyone else on their work-life balance journey too!

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International Women's Day 2022 - Partnerships Manager, Lucy Bramhall - That work-life balance


International Women's Day 2022 - Tracey Neville - That work-life balance