International Women's Day 2022 - Eilidh Barbour - That work-life balance

As my career has progressed I've become much more mindful of a work-life balance. The nature of the work I do means there is no real day to day or week to week structure and quite often everything seems to happen at once!

The most important thing for me is living somewhere that allows me to do all the things I enjoy and that I need when I'm not working, which is why I've continued to base myself in Scotland. I'm not a city person, get me up into the hills or on a beach. Being out in the solitude of the outdoors makes me feel an amazing sense of freedom but also grounds me. It helps me rationalise thoughts and puts perspective on all the little things in life that can just get on top of you and start to wear you down. It's like a reset button.

I work in an incredibly privileged position and it is never lost on me that I am so lucky to do what I do, but it doesn't mean that there aren't times when I need to remove myself from it all and take time to myself. The untouched beauty, the sound of the sea, the mountain air, the silence, feeling so small in the big world; it makes me feel alive and so lucky to be surrounded by what's important - family, friends, love, laughter, health and the freedom to be who I want to be. This is what really matters.

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International Women's Day 2022 - Tracey Neville - That work-life balance


International Women's Day 2022 - Kelly Somers - Work-life balance