International Women's Day 2022 - Laura Bassett - That work-life balance

What does work-life balance look like for you?

Most of my time is spent being a mother and trying to keep a 3-year-old safe, healthy, and entertained! 

Two mornings a week, Saede is in Nursery so I use that time to prepare my notes for the upcoming games by analysing matches, reviewing news articles and gathering statistics. This research often carries on in the evenings when she is asleep as I want to feel super prepared.

What enables you to unwind after a long day?

It’s definitely not cooking, I’m useless! 

I love to spend time with Marc and Saede, whether it’s dancing to Disney music, playing hide and seek, or being outside down the playground. For me, it’s about those quality moments spent together. 

I love a box set but I have to binge them. I’ve just finished watching Trigger Point - I’d give it a solid 6.5 /10! 

How do you make sure you get some ‘you’ time in daily/weekly ? What do you consider self-care ?

A coffee. A soy flat white or an oat milk latte hits the daily spot! If it’s with friends then even better. My parents joke that coffee shops are my sanctuary!

I enjoy listening to podcasts, especially while I’m driving, and having my nails polished makes me feel like a new woman.

How much do you value sleep and how do you make sure you get enough of it as a mum?

I value sleep a lot! As soon as my head hits the pillow of an evening I’m snoring straight away. I feel sleep is so important for controlling my mood, energy levels and generally feeling positive. I really try to prioritise sleep and aim to get seven hours although it is interrupted three or four times a night by a wandering toddler. It’s a work in progress.

What helps you stay motivated, passionate and have a healthy relationship with work away from the TV studios/press box?

My competitive spirit. I want to be better than the last performance and keep reflecting on how I can improve. This ignites my passion and motivation. I simply love working in football and feel extremely grateful, and I don’t ever want to take it for granted. I think this mindset can help maintain balance.

What would be your one tip for anyone looking at improving their work-life balance?

Start with acknowledging that perhaps the perfect work-life balance doesn’t exist. It’s forever changing and evolving, and that’s ok. Understand exactly who or what energises you and ensure you explicitly make time in your schedule for them.

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