International Women's Day 2022 - Our Agent, Chloe Shearer - Work-life balancE

After lockdown, with mental health being spoken about more than ever, it’s great that although we might not truly get the “perfect” work-life balance nailed down, we all know the importance of there being one. As we all know, football doesn’t adhere to your typical nine to five and it certainly doesn’t have a weekend off, so it’s down to you and you only to set those boundaries. I’m lucky enough to work for a company that reminds me of that often.


I'm a stickler for wanting to reply to everything immediately, so I think it’s great that I can carry work with me on my phone and we’re lucky enough that we can do our job from anywhere…however that then blurs the line of truly being able to ‘switch off’. My work phone has accompanied me on many a night out (and miraculously survived!!) but I have learnt over the years to prioritise what needs an answer then and now and what can wait until later.


I think it’s ok to admit I’d never go too long without checking in on things, that’s what working in this industry entails, however that doesn’t mean that breaks aren’t important. Jo regularly encourages ‘screen breaks’ when we’re in the office and outside of work I’m becoming more strict on regular exercise, it’s really that one time you can think about nothing for a good hour or two. I have just signed up for the GNR this year again, so weekly running has no choice but to become part of my routine very soon! I also live with my sister and brother and we’ve made a conscious effort to make dinnertime, a no phone zone…we’ll see how long it lasts but I think it’s a good start.


Living away from ‘home’, booking in time with friends and family and travelling when I can, are also really important to me; it’s a running joke that my phone is on the international dial tone more than not but I just view it that I’m good at utilising my holiday days!! Jokes aside I do believe in the value of longer breaks here and there, I feel they are a great way to offload, refresh and come back more productive and prepared to tackle this manic but wonderful world of sport that we all work in!

Find out more about Chloe here


International Women's Day 2022 - Laura Bassett - That work-life balance