The Point of No Return | Joe Thompson

This has been my first summer off knowing I won’t be returning to pre-season training.

The last two decades of my life have been dedicated to playing football, from the first day I signed for Manchester United as a kid to the last game I played for Rochdale at the start of last season.

My playing career was cut short from a culmination of things: chronic fatigue plus a severe hamstring tear that I was unable to ever properly recover from due to the lasting effects of chemotherapy and my compromised immune system.

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I had overcome cancer twice, but the repercussions of all the treatment I have had meant calling time on being a footballer.

In the grand scheme of things though, I am grateful to still be here to say: “I’m retired.”

The word ‘retired’ suggests you’re finished, go get your feet up, relax. That was never going to be the case for me though! I have too much of an appetite for life and other interests I am passionate about.

Having said that, it still hurts a bit seeing my mates and other players reporting back to their clubs, buzzing to get back training. It’s all I’ve known.

I’d been on borrowed time in football for a while, physically teetering on the edge every time I crossed the white line. But it’s crazy how life can unfold. After everything I’ve been through I’ve learnt so much more about myself as a person. The footballer tag, which has been my identity ever since I was at school, is now just one part of who I am.

Life and football moves on. I’ve been called an ‘inspiration’ for battling back from cancer twice and getting back out onto the green stage both times. It is something I pride myself on, but it’s also a title that brings with it a responsibility. A responsibility to share my story, to help and to give others hope. My battles with cancer will never define me, but my ability to handle a situation and turn it into a positive will.

The footballer tag, which has been my identity ever since I was at school, is now just one part of who I am.

Do I miss playing football? Of course I do. Am I enjoying new challenges, within the media and business world? You bet! I do a lot of motivational speaking, talking to big businesses. My message is simple and the same wherever I go because it applies to everyone: Never Give Up!

Receiving a standing ovation at the end of talks like that is like scoring a winning penalty in a shootout. A sense of relief, elation and trying to remain composed even though the adrenaline is pumping through you. That’s the closest I’ll come to the feeling of scoring in a game.

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Having been through the transition myself, I totally understand why ex-footballers struggle. Everything changes: physically, emotionally and often financially.

But it’s like everything in life, you have to plan for the future. Enjoy it while it lasts; appreciate it, don’t abuse it and think it’s your divine right because you’ve been good at it all your life.

It doesn’t last forever so ‘Position Your Transition’ and make sure you’re surrounded by good people.

Joe Thompson’s testimonial takes place on Sunday 21st July at Crown Oil Arena. For more information, click here.

If you would like to book Joe for a keynote/motivational speech, please email


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